Luckey Stick Wax
It is clear how much this company is determined to grow and thrive in a very competitive market. You can go like their page on Facebook or follow them on Twitter. Just a reminder, go check out all of their merchandise at the website posted above and see what you personally have to think! Thanks again to the boys at Luckey Stick Wax! Thanks for reading another blog of Biscuits and Breezers! Every episode will be filled with updated hockey news, player reviews, and much more! Until next time remember, don't get your breezers in a bunch because hockey is always around the corner. Remember, it's always a great day for hockey and it's a lifestyle not just a sport!
Biscuits and Breezers
Welcome back to another blog of Biscuits and Breezers! In this blog we will be talking about the hockey merchandise and stick wax company Luckey Stick Wax. I have been very interested them for quiet a while and am very thrilled with their products. This company was jump started by a couple of hockey players, especially Brian Jenson, and they are quickly expanding. Currently they have their products in hockey stores across western Canada, Total Hockey outlets, Top Shelf hockey,, Monkey Sports Superstore, and many more stores across the nation. I am hoping that they expand to Europe and grow as a business because they have quite the potential to do so. In the future they could even rival Gongshow, Howies Hockey Tape, and many more. Luckey Stick Wax is one of the products that could have the opportunity to become a national if not a world wide franchise and have very happy customers to prove that point. I was able to catch up with one of the players involved with the company, Tommy Bennett. Anybody reading this will be able to see his take on the company and where he wishes to see it take off. I hope everyone enjoys this and check out their online store, , or even find some of their products in a hockey store near your hometown!
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Bennett Sporting a LSW bucket pregame |
I was lucky enough to land an interview with Tommy Bennett and this is what he had to say! The first question I asked him was, "How does it feel to be involved with the company?" He replied, "Being apart of this company is a great opportunity for me, it's a smaller company but is growing and expanding. We get a lot of our advertisement out by word of mouth and that is great cause that shows that people really like our products! So having a company that is growing and spreading like ours and being apart of it is a great feeling!" The next question I asked was, "Where do you see the company 5 years down the road?" Bennett answered, "In about 5 years if we keep growing at the rate we are I see us as one of the top hockey wax companies. We are spreading very well along the west coast and through parts of Canada. Word is spreading quick along the Midwest and East coast about how good our wax is and also having the apparel part helps spread cause lots of hockey players love the simple but catchy logos and styles of shirts and hats we have! So in about 5 years I can see this company growing and becoming a big distributor of hockey wax and apparel." I then asked, "Do you think that it could ever be a competitor with Howie's as far producing merchandise and products?" He replied, "I definitely feel like we're catching up to Howie's but not quite there yet. Howie's has been around for awhile and is one of the companies we strive to be and have the good name that they do. We look at the companies that are big time names and take bits and pieces on how they run their companies and make it fit towards what gels to us best and will move us forward to making a big name for Luckey Stick Wax." The last question I asked was, "Has there ever been a moment where you wanted to walk away?" He said, "For me walking away hasn't really ever been a thought. I got started with the company a little while ago and have been along for the ride ever since! It's a great group of people that I work with and there is nothing like working for a great family owned business. We care a lot about our product and how we can make it better so that our customers are always impressed and satisfied with what they buy. Our company is still growing and it's fun to be apart of something that has nothing but a great future insight!" And there you have it. Simple and straight forward answers about an impressive and home-grown company looking to make a name for itself. Tommy is a great guy to talk with and is very helpful if you have any questions about this company! I personally want to thank him for taking time out of his busy schedule and talking with me!
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(Credit to Luckey Stick Wax) |
It is clear how much this company is determined to grow and thrive in a very competitive market. You can go like their page on Facebook or follow them on Twitter. Just a reminder, go check out all of their merchandise at the website posted above and see what you personally have to think! Thanks again to the boys at Luckey Stick Wax! Thanks for reading another blog of Biscuits and Breezers! Every episode will be filled with updated hockey news, player reviews, and much more! Until next time remember, don't get your breezers in a bunch because hockey is always around the corner. Remember, it's always a great day for hockey and it's a lifestyle not just a sport!
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