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5,000 View Blog

Biscuits and Breezers
5,000 view blog!

    Welcome back to another blog of Biscuits and Breezers! As you can see by the title of this blog...we made it! Yes we made the major 5000 view milestone! With that great achievement I have decided to celebrate it all with you. I decided to go on to my Facebook and Twitter page and ask you all why you love hockey! It didn't matter if it was roller, ice, beer, or floor hockey. I just wanted to know why! Leagues, levels, junior a, junior b, professional, youth, women's, or adult  it didn't matter whatsoever. All I wanted to know what the reason was that sparked the intense passion and incredible drive that players and fans have alike. I found the answers I received very interesting because I would have thought that the answers would have varied vastly but in all actuality, they all coincided with each other similarly! I shouldn't keep you all too long so here are the replies!


"We love hockey because we have watched our grandson, David Landau, play hockey since he was about five years old. His love of the game and his dedication has been so inspiring to my husband and I that we have grown to love it ourselves." - Pat Bifano

"I love hockey because it's one of the only sports you can beat the crap out of somebody and not get in trouble. The adrenaline is high and it pumps you up, personally it's a feeling I love and that last 2 minutes is the most stressful minutes of your life, but if you win it's a feeling you can't forget." - Cassidy Panko

"I think they put into words as well as possible in the final episode of 24/7 Rangers Flyers. 'Never get caught telling a hockey player it's just a game. Never get caught trying to explain to him all the things in the world that matter so much more. His mind might well acknowledge the truth to your point, but his soul would be powerless to accept it, considering the immensity of what he gives to the sport and the immeasurability of all it offers in return. Nothing ever feels as perfect as a moment of flawlessness on the ice. No bond as strong as one that compels brothers to bleed for one another. Not many leaders are this versed in the craft of motivation. Not many pursuits can evoke such visions of brilliance. This is why it hurts so much when skill falls short of what the will desires. This is why it's so unforgettable when absolute passion yields ultimate reward. And that's all still just the start of what the game can do to you. Hockey may in fact be just a game but it's also who they are.' " -Steve Patafio; Defenseman for the Gillette Wild AWHL

"The reason I love hockey is, it's a sport not like any others. The passion, the brotherhood, and the memories are greater than those of any sport. I played hockey, golf, and baseball throughout high school, but none of them even compare to the camaraderie in hockey. The amount of effort and practice put in by the players is enormous. The amount of dedication we have as hockey players cannot be compared to any other sport. The hockey community is so incredibly vast and we all stand behind each other. I love it. I found this reading on the internet:'Days spent on the ice, crazy parties missed, weekend hangouts blown, hours of hard work, tons of sweat, never ending car rides, late night bus trips, thousands of dollars spent, sneaking out on tournaments, screaming coaches, bad refs, not getting the girl cause you didn't have enough  times to spend with her, at times wanting to give it all up, being on the road for your birthday, leaving the day after Christmas for a tournament, missing school breaks and summer vacations to tryout for teams, tears, blood shed, broken bones, broken twigs, your team's bullsh**, trying to explain your game to your friends at school who have no idea what you're talking about, losing friends cause you have practice the day of their birthday, BIG DREAMS. Would I change any of it? NO WAY! Why? Cause there's no better feeling in the world than when you come back to the bench and your family; not your parents, but your 19 brothers, are there to congratulate you after scoring a goal, a huge hit, keeping the game alive, or winning the championship. All this after months of hard work. That's my life. And I wouldn't trade it for a thing.'" - Taylor Linder; Defenseman for the Yellowstone Quake AWHL

"Why do I love hockey? It's that peaceful place that takes me away from the real world, where I can just be myself. Hockey has helped me build character, and become the guy I am today. No better thing than winning. Big playoff game tonight." - Nick Albergo; Forward for the Janesville Jets NAHL

"Cause it's something you can have fun but not worry about anything going on in your own life. It's that two hours you're out there that you just feel free doing something you love." -Brandon Hawkins; Forward for the Texas Tornado NAHL

"It's fast and elegant, fun to watch. The arenas are more exciting than most sports (like a baseball or football field) and the action is non-stop. The uniforms are awesome, and there is a skill in having to skate at fast speeds while performing plays and passes. What other sport can you come flying in on the other teams goalie, ice spray flying, an arena full of people screaming, and all of it happening in a matter of seconds? It's fun and thrilling and beautiful." -Wendy Lou

"Svår fråga! Skulle säga för att det är en komplex sport där man måste bemästra flera delar, snabbhet, styrka och spelförståelse är bara några av dem! Gillar att det är en sport med mycket kamp! När man själv inte spelar så är det kul att kolla på hockey för att vad som helst kan hända, ett lag kan ligga under och vända matchen på bara några minuter  det är nog mina främsta anledningar till varför jag älskar hockey! Det är så allsidigt! (Difficult question! Would say that it is a complex sport where you must master several parts, speed, strength and understanding of the game are just some of them! Like that it is a sport with a lot of fight! When you yourself are not playing, it's fun to watch hockey that anything can happen, a team can be below and turn the match in just minutes, it's probably my main reasons why I love hockey! It is so versatile)" - John Petersson; Defenseman for the Helena Bighorns AWHL and Nassjo HC J20 J20 Elit

"Jag älskar på grund att det är en sport som händer allt spänningar saker på planet ;den är mina barns första idrott som dom älskar ;som du kan ser med Viktor.(I love it because it is a sport that happens all voltages things on the planet, it is my child's first sport that they love, as you can see with Viktor.)" -Wilsimar Steenson

"It's in your blood you either love it or hate I love it always and always will!! Woooooo!! #BruinsNation" -Russ Gagne; @twofortrippin

"The sake of the game." -@NJDevilsBabe_

"Why do I love hockey? I love hockey because of the dedication the players have, the passion. What they do for the fans. How they play the game for the love it. I love hockey for the hits, the goals, the saves, the cellys. I love hockey because it is the most tough sport there is. The action. The pace of the game. The excitement. The Stanley Cup. The moments when a player scores their first goal, gets their first point. The look on their faces. How happy they are. The moments when a player lifts the Cup for the first time. Whether it's their first time or second or fourth, they take it as a blessing. I love hockey because it takes so much skill. The concentration the players need. The coordination. They are on skates. 1/8 of an inch thick. They need the concentration of a brain surgeon. They take hits with so much force. Their willingness to go out and risk their body blocking shots so they can win. But most importantly, I love hockey because there is nothing else like it." -Johnna Pierzynski; @JP_STL57


- Johnathan Macklin (Johnny Mac)
Eastern Washington University and
Basement Hockey League

  So there you go! Those are only some of the reasons why people love the greatest sport of all time. I would tell you why I love hockey but it would take up too many pages to do that! I am glad that I have the best audience a person could ever ask for and for every person that spreads the word about my blog or my Facebook page or what ever it is that you do, I consider you some what part of my family. I am serious too. You took that time and helped me out. That is something to be proud of and I appreciate it everyday. You are the people that give me the opportunities that I have today. The players that I work with on a daily basis are phenomenal and basically keep me going. My family is the best I could ever ask for and push me forward. I hope you feel the same way about the Biscuits and Breezers family the way I do because it is something to be proud to be a part of and it is absolutely incredible. Yes we have had our ups and downs, but we have pushed through that and are going far into the future. All of us together! To quote Miracle: Mark Johnson: "Because we're a family! Herb Brooks: "What?" Mark Johnson: "We're a family." Remember that everyone, we are a family and always will be. Here is a little Chucky Slick to end this audience-oriented article. I hope you enjoyed reading it because I enjoyed writing it! P.S. - There is a tad bit of language in the videos so I just wanted to tell you all that beforehand! 

     Just an update, since the playoffs are coming up, I will try to be posting more and more so we can follow all the teams involved in their league's competitions. I hope I can suffice the need of playoff hunger for you all because I absolutely love it and I am assuming you all do too! I know for a fact that all the players are pumped for it and are ready to go! Their adrenaline levels are out of the roof and are skyrocketing every second that gets them closer to winning the cup and skating around on the ice with it. I can't wait to watch these guys play because I know what they are capable of and it is going to be a great year!                                                                    


      Thanks for reading another blog of Biscuits and Breezers! Every blog will be filled with updated hockey news, player reviews, and so much more! Until next time remember, don't get your breezers in a bunch because hockey is always around the corner. Remember, it's always a great day to play hockey and it's a lifestyle not just a sport!  


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