Biscuits and Breezers Final Thank You Blog Welcome back to another blog of Biscuits and Breezers! Now I know I said before that there would be 6 shout out blogs but I forgot to include the fact that I have a contest going on to reach 15,000 views and that requires player profiles and highlight videos to be made. Since I have conflicting events unfortunately this will be the last shout out blog for now but I promise there will be tons in the future! My audience is amazing and each and every one of you guys are beauts! This is for you guys! Besides the Top Ten Countries there have been recorded views and fans from Laos, Chile, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Australia, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Indonesia, Cambodia, South Korea, Philippines, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, China, Switzerland, Italy, Uzbekistan, Denmark, Colombia, Honduras, Bolivia, Spain, Czech Republic, Ukraine, India, Bulgaria, Malayasia, Israel, Geo...