#61 Biscuits and Breezers Welcome back to another blog of Biscuits and Breezers! We have quite a lot of things to discuss so let's get on that shall we? The first thing I want to talk about with you all is our view count! You wonderful viewers have gotten us to 5,635 views currently. We finally reached the 5,000 view milestone! The really cool thing I feel is that sometimes I will get 100 or more views in one day alone! You guys are the absolute best and I don't know what I would do with out you. Your positive attitudes and the great compliments you guys give absolutely make my day. I am glad that I get to talk with a lot of you on a regular basis because it is great to interact with all of you and it also gives me more things to know that you guys would like to read about. The personal side I see with some people is incredible. All of you have fantastic personalities and it is always interesting to find out what your likes/dislikes are because every o...